trusted source
for approved
Act 31 and Act 126 training delivered on-site – at no cost.
Exceptional training for health care providers – by health care providers.

Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect
A program of the PA Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

The PA Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics has been the trusted source for health care providers to receive exceptional in-person mandated reporter training since 1999. The Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect (SCAN) Program was the first state-wide child abuse education program in the country for health care providers and has been replicated in over 20 states. Since our initial training targeted to primary care providers, the SCAN Program has expanded to include hospital staff, school nurses, and Emergency Medical Service Providers. Each training curriculum is designed to address the clinical and legal aspects of child abuse recognition and reporting that are specific to our audience. Our presentations are essential for mandated reporters needing training approved under Act 31 for license renewal and also Act 126 for school personnel.
Our Presenters
The SCAN Program is proud of our dynamic presentation teams that include physicians with expertise in child abuse assessments, emergency department nurses, accredited EMT Instructors and county Children & Youth workers. The presentation team has served as a model of collaboration that is possible – and needed –between the medical community and child protective services. Having all presentations occur on-site has also provided an opportunity to put a face to the child protective services system and for local connections to be made. Health care providers who have participated in a SCAN presentation frequently comment on the renewed clarity of their role in recognizing and reporting suspected abuse and also their understanding and appreciation of the Children & Youth investigative process. We are grateful to the PA Department of Human Services for grant funding that allows health care providers to receive a SCAN presentation for no charge.

In addition to being key players in recognizing and reporting suspected abuse, medical providers have an important role in prevention. Prevent Child Abuse Pennsylvania (PCA PA) has been a chartered chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America since 2010 and is housed within the PA Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics. The mission of PCA PA is to prevent the abuse and neglect of children from ever happening. The SCAN Program collaborates with PCA PA on state-wide projects and advocacy and the two programs share several members of their respective advisory boards. There are many opportunities to incorporate prevention messages and activities through interactions with the medical community and to reiterate that everyone has a role to play in keeping kids safe.

Jean B. Bail Ed.D, MSN, EMT-P – Director, Disaster Medicine and Management, Philadelphia University
* Mesa Baker MD, FAAP – Child abuse pediatrician
Donna Balewick MD -Assistant Director, Indiana Regional Medical Center Emergency Department
Robin Boyer MSW - Director of Intake Services, Lancaster County Children & Youth
Edward Burrell, Jr., EMT-P - Public Safety Instructor, Community College of Baltimore County
* Allan R. DeJong MD, FAAP – SCAN Board Chair, Medical Director, Children at Risk Evaluation Program, Alfred I DuPont Hospital for Children
Adelaide Eichman, MD, FAAP – Pediatrician, Child Advocacy Center at Children’s Hospital UPMC
*Lori Frasier, MD, FAAP – Penn State Hershey Medical Center
*Marita Lind MD - Geisinger Health
Annette Myarick, Executive Director, PA Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
Erin O'Brien, J.D. Assistant District Attorney, Chester County D.A.'s Office
Teresa Olsen M.Ed – Director, Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect Program, PA Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
Cathleen Palm – Founder and Director, The Center for Children’s Justice
Renee Riddle, MD, FAAP – Pediatrician, Reading Health System, Children’s Health Center
Mary Ann Rigas MD, FAAP – Pediatrician, Coudersport Pediatrics
Heather Rozzi MD - Attending Physician, York Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
Duane Spencer, BS, EMT-P - EMS for Children Project Director, Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council
Julie Stover, RN, NP - Medical provider and liaison, Lancaster County Children's Alliance
Michael Tonkay, EMT-P - EMS Training Coordinator
David Turkewitz MD, FAAP – Director of Newborn Care, West Penn Hospital
Ed Woods, RN - School Health Nurse Consultant, PA Department of Health
* Board certified in Child Abuse Pediatrics

Because patient safety
is always a priority.
This is a two-hour program that is an approved training program under Act 31 for license renewal. Conducted by a presentation team of a physician and local Children and Youth worker, this PowerPoint presentation can be scheduled for a once-every-two-years extended Grand Rounds, department meetings or conferences. There is no cost for the training.

The cornerstone of risk management is the education of your office staff.
This was our first program, created in 1999, and it utilizes the EPIC model - Educating Physicians in their Community. EPIC focuses on peer to peer education that takes place at the pediatric or family medicine location and includes the entire office staff. This program for primary care is designed to encourage change in the day to day practice procedures. Conducted by a presentation team of a physician and local Children and Youth worker, the two hour PowerPoint presentation is approved under Act 31 and eligible participants can receive continuing medical education credit. As an approved training for license renewal under the Department of State, practices are encouraged to schedule this during a once-every-two-years extended office lunch break. There is no cost for the training.

This is not your ordinary
in-service training!
Recognizing and Responding to Children at Risk for School Nurses is designed to address the clinical and legal issues confronted by school nurses in Pennsylvania. Taught by a presentation team of a physician and local Children and Youth worker, the three hour PowerPoint presentation can be scheduled during district or Intermediate Unit in-service days, for county school nurse association meetings and for other school nurse functions. It is not offered to other school personnel as the medical content is specific to school nurses as health professionals. The free, on-site program is approved for Act 126 credit by the PA Department of Education, Act 31 by the Department of State, Act 48 and Act 58 credit through the Department of Health, with course content approved by the Department of Human Services.

If you're on a call and suspect that a child is being abused, do you know what to do?
Introduced in 2004, Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Education for Emergency Medical Service Providers is targeted to the over 50,000 EMTs, paramedics and pre-hospital registered nurses in Pennsylvania. This is a three hour continuing education program presented by an EMT Instructor, Emergency Department Nurse/Physician and local Children and Youth worker. SCAN-EMS is an interactive, hands-on educational experience that has been well received by the EMS community. Offered at regional and state conferences as well as on-site for larger EMS groups, SCAN-EMS emphasizes the importance of scene assessment, documentation and teamwork in the recognition and reporting of suspected child abuse. There is no cost for the training.

Teresa Olsen, M.Ed. has directed the SCAN Program at the PA Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics since 2002 and developed four curricula targeted to medical providers on mandated reporting of suspected abuse. Prior to this position, she spent 15 years in child protective services conducting investigations, providing direct service to families and presenting over 500 training sessions to schools and community organizations. From 2008 to 2022, Teresa also served as the Director of Prevent Child Abuse Pennsylvania, one of 50 state chapters of Prevent Child Abuse America. She has conducted workshops at several state and national conferences on both child abuse education and prevention.